
Cinco De Mayo inspired Pulled Apple Ginger Pork on home made corn tortilla

Pulled Apple Ginger Pork TortillaMay 5th is Cinco De Mayo day. Each year I like to celebrate this great holiday by making something mexican. It’s no secret that Mexican food bends incredibly well to a gluten free lifestyle. This recipe required a bit of time, the pork is boiled the day before and though it could be done at the beginning of the day just keep the time restraints in mind…. but let me tell you, it is well worth the wait.

The Pork Part 1 (can be done the day before)
500 gram pork shoulder
Water to cover the pork
2 knobs of sliced ginger
2 star anise

Place the pork shoulder in a pot and just cover with water, bring to the boil and add sliced ginger and star anise. Once at boiling point, cover and turn down to simmer for three hours. Remove the pork and place in the fridge in an airtight container or glad wrapped.

Pork, Fruits, Tortilla Part 2
1 apple juiced (cold pressed preferred)
1 tbs water
2 tbs raw sugar
1 avocado
For the Tortilla:
1 cup Maize flour
1/2 cup warm water
2 tsp salt
2 tsp lime juice
Tortilla Dough

Preheat the oven to 180. Take the pork from the fridge and pull the skin or cut away with a knife, be careful not to tear it. Take the skin and place back in the fridge. With the remaining pork put it in a small baking tin with water and tightly wrap with aluminium foil before putting in the oven. Cook the pork  for 75mins.

Take the juice of one apple and simmer in a pot with sugar until the liquid reduces then remove from heat and set aside.

Peel and pit the avocado and in place in a small bowl, using a fork mash the avocado then set aside.

Combine the maize flour and salt in a bowl, slowly add the water mixed with lime juice and stir with a spatula. once all of the water has been added use your hands to kneed the dough and roll into a ball. Cover with a damp towel for 30 mins.

Bringing it all together Part 3
1 brown onion diced
1 garlic clove diced
2 tsp olive oil

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Take the skin of the pork and dab it with a towel to ensure it is dry. Lightly salt the top of the skin and place in the oven on a baking tray. Cook for 25 mins or until crackling is crisp.

By this time the pork meat should be cooked through, take out of the oven and using two forks to shred the meat. Place a fry pan on the stove and heat oil, add onion and garlic and let sweat on a low heat (about 20 mins) then add half of the apple juice, stir through the pork and once the pork is warm add the remaining apple juice and keep on a low heat.
Pulled Apple, ginger pork

Heat a small pan on the stove with a dash of oil. Take the dough from the bowl and cut into 4 pieces (8 if you want small tortillas) then roll into balls. Using a sandwich bag (cut into two sheets) or two pieces of baking paper roll the dough ball between the sheets using a rolling pin. I recommend using additional maize flour to dust the sheets of baking paper to ensure the tortilla doesn’t stick. Place the tortilla in the pan and cook on both sides for approximately 1 minute. Once cooked cover with a tea towel to keep warm and moist before serving. Make all remaining tortilla’s.

To Serve
Take a tortilla, spoon on the apple, ginger pork and top with avocado and shards of pork crackling…. enjoy!


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