About Me

About the last 8 months

Corporate GFMum

Well the last 8 months have been a complete blur for me and I thought I would explain my umm  absence (MIA) from the blogging world. So here goes; we took over a new business, I went from two casual days of working to full time hours plus weekends plus working until midnight every single day. The day we took over the new business I found out I was pregnant with number 2 and was so thrilled but then proceeded to endure morning sickness on another level to what I’d experienced first time around. And so began daily chats with the toilet bowl, a very quickly expanding waistline (hard to disguise in work attire) and an aversion to anything green and generally healthy after too many vomits straight after eating salads.  Our garden bed has since overgrown with silverbeet and spinach as I am just coming to terms with eating it again.

Combining a full time working schedule with morning sickness and the introduction of childcare perhaps wasn’t the most well planned strategy, I had been warned the first 6 months of childcare would be full of illness but was oblivious to any concerns until it brought me crashing into an 8 week bender shared with my daughter full of viruses, infections, antibiotics, no sleep and single handedly supporting the adult and children’s Panadol supply for Melbourne. Finally by about week 29 of pregnancy we felt we’d endured the worst of winter’s bugs and could start to enjoy some full night’s sleep and some natural energy each day.

I’ve learnt so much about juggling a work/parent lifestyle in the last 8 months, and in doing so have made plenty of mistakes (will no doubt continue to make many more) and there have been plenty of tears and hair pulling moments but as we face the final 3.5weeks of pregnancy and I slow down at work I’m grateful to now have some time to focus on myself, my girl and bub to be and also my blog which has certainly been neglected- thank god for Instagram and Facebook which have allowed me an outlet for short mental breaks. So expect to hear more from me on a regular basis and thanks for hanging in there.


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