Parent shaming, enough now!
London is a lovely place to travel, with a family the tube can be a tad difficult at times with limited lifts and plenty of stairs but if you are travelling with another adult it certainly can…
My interview with My Super Nanny
A fun interview with My Super Nanny that I started before Lucia was born, her early arrival meant my responses needed some tweaking and there was a bit of a delay whilst I ‘adjusted’ to life but…
About the last 8 months
Well the last 8 months have been a complete blur for me and I thought I would explain my umm absence (MIA) from the blogging world. So here goes; we took over a new business, I went from…
“Oh you’ve changed”… And I couldn’t agree more!
This is the last week where I can flirt with the idea that I’m ’30… ho hum’. I’m about to fall into the bracket of ‘Yep, I’ve so got this 30 business down pat now I’m 31’,…