• Parenting

    Are you coping?

    It’s not really a question you get asked often, nor is it a question you often answer truthfully, we want life to run smoothly, to be easy, to even appear like we have our shit together when…

  • Parenting

    A mother to two babies

    I’ve got a confession to make, it’s been a realisation and an awakening over the last little while that I’m quite embarrassed to admit. The other day a fellow mum was explaining her children and referred to…

  • Parenting

    Colic in babies, what I know

    First of all Colic sucks the big ones! You have just arrived home from hospital, your days and nights are filled with feeding, nappies, washing and perhaps even managing more than one child and a household. The…

  • Parenting

    Along came Lucia

    Each pregnancy and proceeding birth is meant to be different, you get told that, you nod your head and say, ‘yep for sure’ but in the back of your head you’re thinking; ‘first time around wasn’t too…

  • Parenting

    Baby I’m back

    Well I’m back!! So it’s been a while since my last post and a lot has happened in my world, I had my baby, a beautiful girl named Rosalia. She is my absolute world and has been…